How to Center Text in a Text Box in Illustrator

Learn how to center text in a text box in Illustrator both horizontally and vertically to get perfectly centered text, ideal for the likes of button design, presentations, and many other design outputs.

Center Text in a Text Box in Illustrator Video Tutorial

Want to watch along while I demonstrate this simple technique? Feel free to play the video tutorial above that is quick, easy to follow, and to the point.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1 – To demonstrate this technique, I will place my text over a rounded rectangle, which could resemble, say, a button (a place where you would want your text aligned both vertically and horizontally). Start by selecting your type tool from the left-hand side.

Step 2 – Click and drag out your text box and release. Note: I locked the rectangle shape (select then cmd/ctrl +2), so that the text tool wouldn’t switch to the ‘type in an area’ tool.

Step 3 – Type your text. With the text selected, use the ‘character’ panel (window > type > character) to change your font, size, kerning, and so on until you’re happy with the text.

Step 4 – With your text highlighted with the type tool, locate your paragraph panel (window > type > paragraph) and center align the text vertically.

Step 5 – With the type still selected, go to Type > Area Type Options.

Step 6 – In the ‘Area Type Options’ box, under ‘Align – Horiztonal’ select ‘Center’ to then set the text to align horizontally.

Step 7 – Now, whatever width and height you set the text box, any text in the box with be perfectly centered, no matter what font, size, kerning, and all other options you select.

This nifty little technique can save you so much time trying to use align tools, baseline points, and other values to try to get your text perfectly centered, both horizontally and vertically.

Then, no matter what dimensions the text box has, the text inside will always maintain a perfect center alignment on both axis. I hope you found this tutorial helpful!