How to Export Artboards as Separate Files in Illustrator

Learn how to export artboards as separate files in Illustrator with my super quick and easy tutorial, and save yourself plenty of time (and headaches) in the process!

Export Artboards as Separate Files in Illustrator Video Tutorial

If you’d like to watch along as I demonstrate an export of my own, feel free to watch the video tutorial above, which is quick, simple, and to the point. Or you can keep reading below for the written tutorial with step-by-step photos.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

How To Export Artboards As Separate Files In Illustrator

Step 1 – Within your .ai document, once you are really to export your artwork go to File > Export > Export As.

Step 2 – When the ‘Export’ box appears, first select where you would like to save the files using the drop-down menu below. Set your file name in the ‘save as’ box, and below, under ‘format,’ set your file type. This method will work for any file type, but for the purpose of this tutorial we will be exporting in jpg format.

Underneath, make sure ‘use artboards’ is checked, and then either check ‘all’ to export all the artboards, or check ‘range’ and a set a range number (this will correspond to your artboard numbering, which you can check in ‘edit artboard’ mode.

Once you are ready, click ‘export.’

Step 3 – The next step will be different depending on what file format you selected. As I selected jpg, the jpg options box appeared, but if you select png, for example, you’ll get a different options box, and so on. Set your desired save options, and click ‘ok.’

Step 4 – Once clicked, your artboards will have exported. Locate them in their folder, and you’ll see that Illustrator will automatically add a dashed number at the end of each file, corresponding to the artboard number. If you don’t want this, you can always go back in and change the file name.

Exporting a large number of files from the same document can be daunting, particularly if you’re working with 10s or 100s of artboards.

This super simple method for exporting artboards as separate files is quick, easy, and can save you so much time.

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