How to Remove Objects from Images in Photoshop CC 2023

Learn how to remove objects from images in Photoshop CC 2023 with the brand new object selection tool, and prepare for clear photos and people-free landscapes in a matter of seconds.

Remove Objects from Images in Photoshop

How to Remove Objects from Images in Photoshop CC 2023+

Video Tutorial

Feel free to follow along with my video tutorial below. It’s less than two minutes, and it will show you firsthand how easy this new feature is to use.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1 – With your image open in Photoshop, select the ‘object selection tool’ from the left-hand toolbar.

Step 2 – Wait for the object finder to load and identify the various objects in the image. Once complete, you can scroll your cursor across the image, and Photoshop will identify the different objects by highlighting them in a different color, as shown below.

Step 3 – Place your cursor over the object you would like to remove so that it is highlighted.

Step 4 – Click to make a selection.

Step 5 – Right click and select ‘delete and fill selection’.

Step 6 – The object will be removed from the image. However, as shown below, this isn’t always a perfect removal. Notice the halo around the hair of where the woman in the photograph once was.

Identify the imperfections and blemishes in the photograph, then decide how you would like to retouch the image.

Step 7 – For example, I decided to use the spot healing brush, which can be selected from the left-hand toolbar.

Step 8 – Click and drag over the halo to remove it.

Step 9 – Use tools like the spot healing brush, or make a selection with the pen or lasso tool, then go to edit > content aware fill, to remove all the imperfections and traces of the object from the image.

If done with care, you should see no sign of the object in the image.

The object selection tool is a real game changer for Photoshop. While it is not perfect, it is definitely making tasks like removing people from photographs so much easier and faster.

Be prepared to go back in with the spot healing brush or ‘content aware fill’ options just to retouch the photo, but I hope you really harness the power of this new feature and use it to help you save lots of time and painstaking editing work.

Featured Image: Licensed by Freepik