Learn how to restore old photos in Photoshop 2023 using an amazing new feature called natural filters, which you can use to adapt and enhance any image in a matter of seconds.
These new Photoshop features are a real changer and can potentially save you hours of time spent photo editing. In my tutorial, we’re going to use two of those filters to restore an old, damaged black-and-white photo.
Video Tutorial
You can watch along as I demonstrate these features with the video tutorial above. It’s only a couple of minutes and will give you everything you need to go forth and give these filters a try for yourself.
Step-by-Step Tutorial
Step 1 – Open your photograph in Photoshop and go to image > image size.

Step 2 – Double check your dimensions and resolution. If you want to print your photograph, you’ll want a 300dpi or higher resolution – but be warned, with a higher file size, it will take longer for the filters to work. Once happy, press ok.

Step 3 – Go to filter > neutral filters.

Step 4 – In Photoshop 2023, you have a range of preset filters to choose from. You will need to download them first. The two you need for this tutorial and photo restoration and colorize.

Step 5 – Once downloaded, we’ll start with photo restoration. Select the filter and click the slider to activite the filter.

Step 6 – Here, you can play around with the three core options of photo and face enhancement and scratch removal, and use the adjustment layers to play around with noise, halftone, and other reductions.
With each slider adjustment, the filter will update and depending on your RAM and processor speed, it may take a while. Be patient, and make changes one slider at a time.

Step 7 – Once you are happy with the photo restoration options, click the colorize filter and slide it on.

Step 8 – You can instantly colorize the photo by using the auto color image option.

Step 9 – You can further enhance the color options by using the preset profiles and making changes to the color adjustment sliders. You can do this with or without the auto color image checked.

Step 10 – Once you are happy with the colorization, make sure that new layer mask is selected in the output menu (bottom).

Step 11 – Finally, click oka to apply your changes and create the layer.

Step 12 – Once you return to the document, you should see a new layer is created. You can toggle the layer visibility to see the changes. This is the before of my image.

Step 13 – This is the after. You can touch up the image using the likes of the spot healing tool, content aware fill, and many other Photoshop options. The filters are not flawless, and you will need to tweak them, but it is impressive what they can do in a matter of seconds.

The new photo restoration and colorize filters in Photoshop CC 2023 are very impressive and can potentially save you hours of photo retouching.
If you have the new Photoshop CC 2023 installed, give them a try, and see what amazing results you can get when applying them to old black-and-white photos.
Featured Image: Licensed by Freepik